Mobile Data

Mobile Devices with a Data Connection

If you provide your child(ren) with a device that has a data connection through e.g. 3G/4G etc. then they will have access to all the sites and the school cannot moderate its use. Therefore, this falls to you as the parent, guardian or carer to ensure they are only accessing what they should be. The school cannot be held responsible for anything they do through this connection.

We strongly advise not to give any children a device with a data enabled contract.

If you feel that your child(ren) must have access to a data enabled device, then as you will be responsible for what they do on this connection, we recommend installing some software which will allow you to monitor their device. Below are a few websites, which will help with how this can be achieved; please note these are not school approved solutions, but will give you a starting point to be able to do your own research and find the right solution for you.